Before the hotel booking :

What is the standard check-in/out time in the hotels?

The standard check-in time is 1300 hrs (01:00 pm) and the check-out time is 12:00 noon. For any further assistance, you can call our travel experts at +91 8075477234 (Monday to Sunday from 09:00 am till 07:00 pm).

Will there be any additional charges for our children staying with us in the same hotel room?

For children below the age of 12, the stay is free. But no extra bed will be provided.

Can I make a hotel booking over the phone?

Yes. Hotel booking can be made over the phone, whatsapp and through the hotel website. Hotel website will have seasonal discount offerings and can be done by clicking the “BOOK NOW” button on the main menu.

Where is Isha Residency Located ?

Isha Residency is located on the Aluva-Munnar road, 2.8 km from the Aluva Railway Station.

How far is Isha Residency from Rajagiri Hospital ? Is transportation to Rajagiri easily available from the Hotel ?

We are located 3 km from the Rajagiri Hospital and various mode of transportation like buses, Uber and Autorikshas are readily available from here.

How far is Isha Residency from TCS iON Digital Zone (iDZ), Aluva ?

TCS iON Digital Zone (iDZ), Aluva is located nearby at Kuttamassery, a suburb of Aluva. We are located 5.8 km from the said premises. Various mode of transportation like buses, Uber and Autorikshas are readily available from here.

How far is Isha Residency from KINFRA Hi-Tech Park ?

Isha Residency is located 5.7 km (10 min drive) from KINFRA.

How far is Isha Residency from Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) ?

Isha Residency is located 7 km (15 min) drive from CUSAT.

How far is Isha Residency from Kochi International Airport ?

Isha Residency is located 10 km (20 min) drive from Kochi International Airport.

How far is Isha Residency from Aluva Railway Station ?

Isha Residency is located 2.8 km from Aluva Railway Station.

How far is Isha Residency from WonderLa Amusement Park ?

Isha Residency is located 12 km from WonderLa Amusement Park.

Where can we park our vehicle?

We have ample vehicle parking space on the basement.

Is there an elevator in the hotel?

No. Our two-story establishment does not have an elevator.

Can I request an additional bed for a third person in a double occupancy room? How much will it cost?

You can request an additional bed for your room when making the reservation to ensure its availability. The extra bed costs Rs 500 a night.

Is Isha Residency a couple friendly hotel ?

Yes. Couples above 18 Can Stay Together or Check-in into a Hotel with Valid Identity Proof.

While booking the hotel:

What are the different modes of payment at Isha Residency ?

For online bookings, we accept all Visa, Master Card, Amex cards and major debit cards and credit cards issued in India. We also have Net Banking payment options from major Indian banks, PayTM, Google Pay, Razorpay, PayPal etc.

Which is the easiest and best way to make a booking at the Hotel ?

The best way is to through the website. Hotel website will have seasonal discount offerings and can be done by clicking the “BOOK NOW” button on the main menu.

After the hotel booking:

Do I need to show any documents to check-in at the hotel?

It is mandatory to show your government approved valid ID proof while checking-in at the hotel. The valid IDs accepted at the hotel are Driving License, Voters ID, Passport or even ration card. For foreign nationals, your passport will be accepted as valid ID proof.

Should I re-confirm my booking with the hotel?

No. Once you receive your confirmed hotel reservation voucher, you don’t have to re-confirm the booking. However, if you really want to, simply call us at +91 8075477234.

I didn’t check-in at the hotel at all, will I get a refund?

You will not be entitled to a refund ad you will be considered as a ‘no-show’ by the hotel.